How the Process Work?

Attempting to recoup tax or mortgage excess funds can be challenging and lengthy. Here at Core Recovery Services, we simplify the process by advocating for our clients in collecting the excess proceeds that they are entitled to, whether they still own the property or not. There is $0 out-of-pocket expense; we do all the work. 


It’s Easy To Get Started

Below are the steps to get your claim going: 

Step 1

Contact us by calling, emailing, or completing the contact form.  Before we get the process started, we set up an initial call to answer questions or concerns with no obligation to move forward.  Also, we will seek out to determine what funds are available to you. 

Step 2

We will send you the necessary paperwork needed to work on recovering your money.

Step 3

We will coordinate to have the paperwork signed and notarized where needed.

Step 4

Return the paperwork back to us via mail or email. 

Step 5

We take care of the rest! You sit back and let us do the work. We will contact you as soon as a check is ready and on its way!